Special aspects of the actor's perception in the role


  • Mikhail Barnych




reverse perception, actor's personality, emotions, the performance of the role, position of the viewer, natural emotion carriers, action and behavior of the character


Objective. The research involves the search for a scientific approach to understanding of the origin, place and importance of perception in the art of acting. Some aspects of functioning of the actor's perception in the role, since the founder of the art of acting emotion Stanislavsky to this day, are insufficiently investigated in the context of acting psychotechniques and work on the image of the character. The methodology of the study consists in application of analytical, logical and systematic approach - with the understanding of the phenomenon of so-called actor's "reverse" perception; structural-functional and typological approaches (in the process of identification of psychological acting "entities" and their relationship in the process of the actor's emotion in the role). The scientific novelty of this work is to clarify the mechanism of functioning of the perception of the actor in the role. The research studies the actor's incarnation during the play and gives the grounds for the way of revealing of contemplative actor's nature in the act of experience. It shows some practices, through which the combination of acting incarnation with the viewer's position happens. The study reveals the peculiarities of the actor's reverse perception in the role and motive nature of acting in the role. Conclusions. Actor's perception in the role differs from the perception of an average person and it is opposite to the usual perception. The essence of this perception is to concentrate on the proper motions of the actor in the actions of the character. Because of this perception there is a split of the actor in the role into two incarnations - one playing a role and the other watching the performance.

Author Biography

Mikhail Barnych

Ph.D. in Art History, associate professor of department of telejournalism of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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