Genre-stylistic features of Ukrainian theater drama late XIX - early XX century


  • Irina Yan



Ukrainian theater culture, sociocultural processes, Ukrainian theater drama, repertoire


The purpose of the research. The article studies the genre-stylistic peculiarities of the Ukrainian theater drama in the context of European cultural trends of the late XIX - early XX century. The research methodology consists in the use of the historical-cultural, comparative, and art criticism methods, which allows to analyze the complex process of the formation of the genre palette of Ukrainian theater drama, an important component of national and cultural revival. Scientific novelty consists in a holistic and systematic study of the specifics of the development of Ukrainian theater drama in late XIX - early XX century in the context of the European drama development process. Conclusions. Creative heritage of the outstanding Ukrainian theatrical figures contributed to the development of national self-assertion, preserving cultural identity and creative cooperation between Ukrainian and European theater culture.

Author Biography

Irina Yan

Ph.D in arts, associate professor, doctoral student of the National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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