Modern communication practices in formation and distribution of post-folklore




communicative practices, online environment, post-folklore, information technology, virtual reality


The purpose is to define the role of modern communication practices within the meaning of the factors of formation and distribution of post-folklore products. The methodology of the study consists in using of general principle of scientific objectivity, analytical, cultural, structural, and semantic methods of modern communication practices study as the main factors shaping the post-folklore phenomenon origin in the Internet environment. The scientific novelty of this work consists in definition of the role of communicative practices, mediating the emergence of the internet post-folklore genres, in post-folklore development. Conclusions. The study has found that the emergence of the new communication tools, particularly the Internet network and IT tools for active participation of the Internet users in the dissemination of information has given rise to the development of a special phenomenon of electronic / virtual culture that by its typological characteristics and ways of distribution belongs to post-folklore. This technological component and a way of communication largely determine the structural and genre variety of post-folklore works and their semio-sphere. Post-folklore segment mediated by the Internet communication is a very "mobile" cultural environment, where quite actively and promptly topical and socially significant information is reflected in the form of verbal and creolized works containing an assessment and normative judgments of network users in a clear and concise form. To a certain extent the production of such works can be called directly a post-folklore type of communication, as the technological capabilities of Internet networks provide a collective creation. Thus, taking into account the coverage of wide audience of modern communication Internet users, post-folklore products are becoming more common, improving the ideological and semantic content and means of artistic expression.

Author Biography

Zhanna Denysyuk

Ph.D. of Culturology, Head of research and publishing activity of the National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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