Sacralisation of folk costume in Ukraine as an example of contemporary myth-making


  • Lyudmyla Dmytruk



folk costume, myth, national myth, national identity, symbol, semantics, magic


The purpose of this article is to study sacral and mystical aspects of the Ukrainian folk costume, as they are being discussed in modern social and scientific publications and media. The subject of this analysis is current transformation of the social perception of a traditional folk costume, its elements and its deemed role as a “genetic code of the nation”, which can have a magical influence over the person's life. This transformation process is being treated as an example of modern myth-making. We research the prerequisites of such myth-making, as well as, the consequences of such myths. The methodology consists in structural-functional and semiotic methods, which allow viewing the traditional folk costume as a semiotic system and which allows deriving the role the costume plays in the structure of a modern Ukrainian myth. Scientific novelty. For the first time the deemed “symbolic and magical” properties of a folk costume are being investigated, as they are outlined in a number of recent publications, interviews and movies. Conclusions. We conclude that myth-making is inherent not only to primitive societies, but it is also present in modern life. As such, myth-making fulfils a stabilising function. It helps an individual to feel himself a part of a greater group or a nation. In general, “sacral and magic” properties attributable to the traditional folk costume could be treated as a modern myth, which, on one hand helps an individual feel more protected (which is very acute for many Ukrainians these days). On the other hand, such myth can have some drawbacks, like over-reliance on some (deemed) “magic” things and forces, instead of relying on person's own efforts.

Author Biography

Lyudmyla Dmytruk

Postgraduate student of the National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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