The metaphysical sense of the Earth mythologeme in musical Shevchenkiana («Farewell, world, farewell, earth ... »)


  • Khrystyna Kazymyriv



Earth mythologeme, microparadigm of «holy land» lexical unit, musical language


The purpose of the study is to investigate the implementation of metaphysical sense of nominative line that forms the Earth mythologeme semantics, through the example of «Farewell, world, farewell, earth...». Research methodology consists in the use of comparative methods and techniques of content analysis and classification. This methodological approach allows to analyze the semantics of the Earth mythologeme, which is widely implemented in the music on Shevchenko's poetry. Scientific novelty. The music on Shevchenko's poetry was the subject of many musicological researches. However, this article deals with a new unexplored aspect - the embodiment of the mystical meaning of the Earth mythologeme as a key to the national collective thinking. Conclusions. In poet's works, the mythologeme of the Earth is widely fulfilled. Metaphysical sense of the mythologeme is studied through the example of the important for this subject poetry "Goodbye, World, Goodbye, earth ..." due to its affiliation with the lexical unit microparadigm "holy land", based on the two vectors of image meanings. In his music, Lysenko comes from the vector "holy land - mother - Motherland", and comes to a culmination, based on vector "holy land - truth, fairness". Instead, V. Silvestrov limits the poetic text to the lines, where he speaks with his native land, accentuating the second vector, and the first one is expressed as if "through" the sound in a duma of kobzar-psalmist.

Author Biography

Khrystyna Kazymyriv

lecturer of the Institute of Arts of Stefanyk Carpathian National University


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