From comparative studies to intermediality in musical art study (based on the chamber music of Ukraine of the late 20th - early 21st century)


  • Anastasia Kravchenko



intermediality theory, intermedial analysis of musical works, intermedial synergy, the inter-art synthesis, chamber music of Ukraine


The purpose of this study is to discover the methodological feasibility of using intermedial analysis in a comprehensive study of works of musical art (based on Ukrainian chamber music of the late XX - early XXI century). Methodology of the article consists in the use of the comparative-textual and intermedial analysis - for the study of structural-composition and figurative content of chamber music pieces. We can sum up the scientific novelty of the research in the following positions: the study has revealed specifics of intermediality in the correlation with the phenomena of intertextuality (paratekstuality) and inter-art synthesis and has specified the border of functioning of these phenomena; it has introduced the theory of intermediality in the musicological discourse; it has justified the feasibility of intermedial strategy of musical art work study and has outlined the prospects of intermedial studies of musical art phenomena. Conclusions. Intermediality is a synergetic process, appearing only during the interaction of at least two semiotic codes, and only in a monosemiotic situation of their presentation, which becomes possible through the use of specific methods of organizing of a musical text, namely the conversion of compositional, structural and nominative attributes of the text-referent of other semiotic range by using the universal language of music art/ Given the fact of existence of intermedial measurement of chamber compositions (on the examples of works of K. Tsepkolenko "Night preference" and S. Zazhitko "Epitaph of Marquis de Sade"), the application of intermedial strategy analysis of works of musical art is reasonable. The goal is to develop a typology system of intermedial relations with considering the spectrum of semiotic relationships of various media that would significantly extend the understanding of the phenomenon of intermediality and would reveal its multi-level system. Intermedial analysis may enter into the methodology of musical analysis philosophy as a tool of a comprehensive review of organization problems of musical matter of compositions, including synthetic macro-spatial performances, into the study of such levels of music existence as the sphere of formation of internal music sense expressiveness and constructivity, and a space of social and cultural development of the artifacts of musical art.

Author Biography

Anastasia Kravchenko

Ph.D in Arts, Doctoral Student of the Chair of Culturology and Culture and Arts Projects of the National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts.


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