Products of Dybyntsi's potters in museum collections of Ukraine


  • Aleksandra Rudenko



pottery, Dybyntsi, museums, collections, masters


The purpose of the research is to study and systematize all collected information about the preserved artifacts of Dybyntsi' ceramists from the major collections of Ukraine and some private collections, and their period and author classification. The research methodology consists in the use of the method of empirical analysis and structuring, which enables to study and summarize the accounting data of existing collections and distinguish among them the works of authorship. The scientific innovation is the fact that the study contains the most comprehensive list of the artifacts from exhibitions and stock collections of the museums of Ukraine. Conclusion. After analysing the data of our investigations, we found 1340 Dybyntsi's preserved ceramic products, including the works of 33 masters of the following periods: the late 19 - early 20 centuries, 1920-1930s, 1940-1950s and the second half of the 20th century.

Author Biography

Aleksandra Rudenko

a postgraduate of the Department of Art Expertise of the National Academy of Managerial
Staff of Culture and Arts


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