The cultural component of national interest


  • Olga Kopiyevska кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, Ukraine



culture, cultural function, the national interest, people, government, civil society,


The article is devoted to the problem, which has put the issue of awareness of the importance of national interest in the process of modern nation. The basis of article consists of scientific approaches to understanding the concept of "national interest", defined by the signs of national interest, which include political, geographic, economic and cultural characteristics. In author’s opinion, the feature that defined in the article allows to isolate the state of the overall picture of the world, defining its uniqueness and individuality.

Special attention is drawn to the author's definition of the main factors determining the national interest, the basic elements that have an impact on the calculation of national interest. The article reveals the essence of strategic culture, which includes historically-formed method of solving vital for the country's problems. In my opinion it is the strategic culture driven by national traditions, spatial, geographical location, outlook and worldview, historical experience. Strategic culture determines behavior of a country, management style, ability to mobilize in the event of protecting national interests.

This paper analyzes the general theoretical aspects of the concept of national interest as defined by (William Gladstone, Hans Morgenthau, A. Thierry).

The author emphasizes that it is due to the fact that in Ukraine there is no clear understanding of national interests, their fixed and variable components, there is an urgent need for understanding the national interest in the theoretical and practical levels (as informed public opinion concept).

The author emphasizes that it is the formation of civil society in Ukraine, updates the consideration of the national interest in a new perspective. Given the purpose of the article, the author refers to the practice of forming national interest in Western Europe. The author believes that the approach to the definition of national interest depends on the logic of the West, which is the next logical chain: the public interest – the social interest – the national interest; Ukraine in the chain, according to the author has the following logic: state and national interests.

Therefore, the author stresses the importance to incorporate the wishes and interests of different groups of civil society. The article reveals the needs of social development, which in author’s opinion is the basis of national interest. The main task in this context is a task that is associated with the transformation of the interests of individuals, social groups and groups that are interested in the aggregate national interest.

Special attention is focused on the author's specifications of Ukrainian reality. The author notes that the time of independence allowed greatly expand the actual content of the culture, the value in the national interests of Ukraine. The factual material of citizens’ cultural interests, their place and role in the formation of national interests of Ukraine has been determined. The role and place of ideology in the national interest has been revealed. National interests in its essence must be higher than any ideology, as most serve as an ideology, taking over the functions of the latter.

Analysis of the specific source base allowed the author to isolate certain number of components of the national interest in Ukrainian culture. This article analyzes the Ukrainian realities defined by their influence on the formation of national interest. According to the author it is essential to have consolidation of all interested parties of Ukrainian cultural state subjects to solve the problems. Activity of various actors who are interested in the development of Ukrainian culture is intended primarily to influence the conduct of the actual policy in the country, to promote coordination among all participants culturally creative process.

The author says, there is a need to develop common organizational and legal principles with the general trends in the regulation of relations in the cultural politics of other countries.

According to the author, the basis of government guarantees of the preservation and development of culture is public funding and therefore their legal regulation. The article ends with fundamental conclusions which allow determining the practical significance of theoretical positions discussed in the article. The author claims that, the formation of national interests is a long historical and evolutionary process that is carried out in a complex interplay of economic, social, national, mental and other factors that are combined to determine the content and nature of the cultural and historical experiences of the people.

As such, the national interest is a socio-historical phenomenon and can not exist independently of the cultural awareness of their speakers. They have the closest relationship with the cultural identity of a particular nation.

In order to build a democratic state and the realization of the above objectives, national interests must take into account not only the representatives of civil society, and most importantly – government agencies and officials. This activity should be aimed at improving the state mechanisms that would allow the foundation of any business to put national interest in priority.


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