Features of graphics and compositional decisions in the book-magazine cover of R. Lisovsky


  • Oksana Mel’nyk
  • Viktor Shtets




R. Lisovsky, cover, book graphics, composition, motive, new baroque


The purpose of the article is the discovery of the creative method of the Ukrainian graphic artist R. Lisovsky, the manifestation of the peculiarities of structural-compositional and figurative content solutions of the covers made by R. Lisovsky in different periods of creativity. The methodology of the study involves the use of the method of induction to systematise the illustrative material; for the analysis of works of the artist used art criticism categories as well as practical experience of visual, stylistic, morphological-compositional, geometric and complex analysis. The scientific novelty of the work is to broaden the ideas of R. Lisovsky's work in the field of book graphics; revealing critical stylis-tic, figurative and composite aspects of its covers. Conclusions. It has been proved that the source of inspiration for R. Lisovsky was the cultural flow of the Neo-Baroque, whose features are found in almost every cover of the artist. At the same time, a considerable number of covers are marked by the elements of expressionism and constructivism, which synthetically combine with traditional national motifs. The features of the individual handwriting of the artist are de-fined by a rounded (sometimes angular) form of decorative elements, a particular ratio of black and white (often 1:1), a high graphic culture, a pronounced inclination to decorative.

Author Biographies

Oksana Mel’nyk

Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Design and Architecture Basics Department, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Viktor Shtets

Senior Lecturer of the Design and Architecture Basics Department, Lviv Polytechnic National University


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