The origin of the marimba performance in Guatemala


  • Ganna Ralo



Performance, marimba, "con tecomates", "sencilla", "doble", constructions, Guatemala


Purpose of the article. To investigate the appearance and distribution of some primitive wooden marimba constructions in Guatemala, such as "con tecomates", "sencilla","doble", widely used and popular in various parts of the country, and the emergence of ensemble and solo performance on these instruments. Methodology. In order to study phenomena in a consistent development, we used the historical-chronological method. For the analysis of each of the stages of the historical development of the marimba performance in Guatemala, a problem-chronological method was chosen, which involves dividing the topic into smaller parts, which are considered in chronological order. The possibility to study certain historical facts in connection with a specific historical situation and its further qualitative change allows us a comparative-historical method. In the research, the technique of typology was applied as an integral part of the scientific analysis, the essence of which is the dismemberment of the object under study and its further grouping according to specific characteristics. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that for the first time in the domestic musicology the questions connected with the origin of the first primitive wooden marimba constructions in Guatemala and the development of performance on them are considered. In the article, the author first acknowledged the specific differences between the marimba constructions of Guatemala from the North American analogues. Conclusions. The research was shown that in the seventeenth century, the marimba played an essential role in the musical life of Guatemala. Different marimba constructions became widespread and became famous not only in the country but its outside, thanks to numerous tours of marimba ensembles and soloists.

Author Biography

Ganna Ralo

Ph.D. in History of Arts, teacher of the department of musical instrumental preparation of the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky


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