The activities of the director in the structure of the mass holiday: the experience of studying the problem


  • Vasyl Romanchyshyn



The direction of the mass holiday, theatrical spectacle, the functions of the sight, the ability of the director


Purpose of the article: to analyse the existing experience regarding the peculiarities of directorial activity in the struc-ture of the mass holiday. The methodology of the research is the general scientific principles of systematization and generaliza-tion of the problem under study, as well as the multidisciplinary approach, that allows studying the issue under investigation with the full involvement of scientific developments from various fields of knowledge, in particular the history of theater, art studies, the theory and practice of socio-cultural activities. The historical-cultural method made it possible to follow the evolution of the formation of mass holidays, as well as the peculiarities of the director's operations in different historical epochs. The structural-functional method is used to clarify the role and functions of the director of mass holidays in different historical periods, including in contemporary culture. The sophisticated approach is determined by the research topic, namely: the need for the systematization of existing works that relate to the peculiarities of the creative activity of the director in the structure of mass holidays. The scientific novelty of the research is to systematize the existing experience regarding the creative activity of the director in the field of organization of mass celebrations and mass holidays. Conclusions. The director of the program of mass holidays must have a clear life position and life experience because it is he who conducts a dialogue with the audience. It is essential to be able to pay attention to details and trivia, to understand and take into account age characteristics of the audience (recipients), because what is perfect for young people is not suitable for the older generation at all. In this, the experience and professionalism of the director, who can correctly build the program for any viewer, is manifested. The director of the mass holiday – is not only the creation of stage action and the development of scenery but also the ability to build a series of episodes to eventually convey the desired plan to the target audience through different artistic forms and technologies.

Author Biography

Vasyl Romanchyshyn

Professor of the Stage and Audiovisual Arts Department, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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