From the regional subcultures to global culture


  • Vitalii Radziyevskyy кандидат культурології, доцент, Ukraine



culture, subculture, society, morality, globalization, humankind, individual,


The paper studies the coexistence of positive and negative factors in the development of human culture as a whole and individual communities. Nowadays there is a large number of people desire to a stable cultural life based on compliance the rule of law and morality. At the same time the world is the unification of the many cultural features. It is often assumed that the processes of globalization have both negative factors in the cultural life (loss of small nations and communities their identity, distinct fusion of cultures in a global cultural sea etc.), and multiple benefits (development, improvement and dissemination of universal values, progress and cultural unification, etc.). It is necessary to prove that humanity as a whole and separate human community are in transition from the original regional cultural and subcultural development to global development, conquered tough conditions worldwide cultural field.

Today there are two main points of view on the problem of balance and coexistence of negative and positive globalization processes in contemporary cultural paradigm. On the one hand, the is observed slow (and in some cases, and rapid) destruction of regional cultures and subcultures (and global level – local, local, local subcultures) of traditional cultural establishments, enterprises, organizations and institutions. They are acting usually in established cultural markers, concepts, discourses and codes of individual communities (states, nations, etc.). On the other parties we must note rethinking and preserve their cultural identification of some communities that provide a traditional cultural uniqueness and moral stability. This indicates the need for further research, based on a recognition of the coexistence of positive and negative in different cultural institutions, phenomena and events (traditional and global societies, their essence and specificity).

Human society and hence its main derivatives, including culture, are generally not guided only by positive constants and cultural matrices. Therefore in cultural history, especially in recent decades, an important place is occupied by the subculture, much of which is perceived (but not always) as negative and destructive. Transformation of humanity in our time cause and will cause strengthening of criminal subcultures, enjoying spontaneity and social change, and the inevitable destruction of stereotypes, and the collapse of the system of values and norms.

Under these difficult conditions, protection and security institutions of society are sometimes unable to provide the means of traditional culture clarity, stability and consistency of value-orientations and regulatory requirements. Weakened by internal contradictions and external oppression of local subcultural and cultural traditions and norms gradually in different parts of the world are retreating not only from progressive innovations (internet and other scientific and technological advances), but questionable spiritual practices (the emergence and spread of destructive cults and totalitarian sects, etc.). Of course, not all citizens in one country can nurture the best achievements of their national culture. Very few people are guided in their thoughts and actions, primarily by national interests, devotion to national traditions, national cultural heritage and high level of national consciousness. Not all people are examples of moral purity and cultural perfection. However, most people inevitably agrees with the idea that in all the different approaches to the problem of coexistence should be common cultural rules, principles, rules and restrictions, violation of which sooner or later will adversely affect the life and work of many people. In this case, national, regional and local cultural and subcultural limits, borders and factors should remain and kept in a different world under the rule of a new world order. Moreover – national culture, ranging from the smallest local characteristics and regional subcultures have developed an important role in the new socio-economic, cultural and political conditions.

It should ascertain global trend of transition of human communities from national cultures and subcultures to regional unified global cultural system. We may note, in particular, the deepening problem of coexistence of negative and positive globalization processes in contemporary cultural paradigm. Is slow (sometimes rapid) destruction of regional cultures (and global level – local, regional subcultures) traditional cultural institutions operating in the cultural constants, matrices, established cultural markers and codes of individual communities (states, nations, etc.). This raises concerns, points to the potential loss of identity and the leveling of many cultural communities. Thus, there is need for further studies, which are based on the underlying problems of culture and morality, some subcultures, ethnic cultures and universal values the global community.


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