Stage in the projection of understanding the process of creative evolution of thought: Innovation of boundaries and horizons of sight on directing


  • Svitlana Shumakova
  • Victoriy Bugayova



The problem of educational innovation, new content of education, innovative capacity of discipline, Creative thinking, focused on creative search


The purpose of the article is to expand the field of understanding of education innovation in terms of new functional tasks, to clarify the feature of the characterological features of the presented course "Creative Thinking in Directing Art-Practice", which is seen as promising, because it not only possesses meaningful innovations, but also satisfies the criteria of objective certainty and completeness disclosure of professional specifics. The course that inspires the creative activity of creative search, destroys the established boundaries of linear consciousness and reveals the nature of integrative connections of the components of creativity, can be considered a constructive construct in the mainstream of the urgency of formalizing progressive methods of teaching specialized disciplines, innovative approaches to the essence of education. The work is dictated by the author's desire not only to fix innovative benchmarks, but also to interpret the content of the course presented to the discussion. The methodology, which tends to the principle of formalization and synthesis methods, is based on an integrated approach to understanding and combining into a single picture the various links that determine the integrity of the subject area of the course "Creative Thinking in Directed Art-Practice". Scientific novelty concludes in substantiating the pedagogical productivity of the professionally oriented course "Creative Thinking in Directed Art-Practice", which introduces the actual discourse and creates a holistic view of the specific characteristics of directing. Conclusions formulate the statement: the innovative essence of the course "Creative thinking in Directed Art-Practice" appealing to the prerogative of acquiring the professional skills of generating fundamentally new ideas that were not previously known, and thinking oriented on creative search, has a significant potential in the context of relevant educational technologies, the adoption of the need a new content of education.

Author Biographies

Svitlana Shumakova

PhD in Arts, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Art Direction, Kharkov State Academy of Culture

Victoriy Bugayova

Ph. D. in History of Arts, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, Directing Department, Senior Lecturer


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