The Topicality of Folk Arts and Crafts in the Modern Cross-cultural Space


  • Yuliia Sugrobova кандидат філософських наук, доцент, Ukraine



folk arts and crafts, tradition, integration, cross-cultural space,


The article is devoted to the problem of sociocultural transformation processes in Crimea. The current trends of sociocultural transformation are determined by the existence of two main macro ethnic groups which are Crimean Turkoman people and Crimean Slavs. The two groups considerably reflect the cultural peculiarities of the different types of civilization. With the shift of cultural and historic paradigm of the 20th and 21st centuries the significant changes in the directions and principles of the Crimean macro-ethnic groups development also occurred. The new stage is associated with the establishment of the global civilization. East and West as a double concept that expresses the cultural unity as well as its dichotomy has reshaped greatly.

The article is devoted to the analysis of folk arts and crafts, which are not just a mechanism of succession, reproduction and translations of traditions, but also a mechanism of sociocultural relations functioning. It is realized in different forms of sociocultural communication, integration, socialization, sociocultural activity, cooperation of individuals and groups. Was conducted a sociological research between Turk and Slavic respondents (universities students) concerning the estimation of folk arts and crafts in modern culture. The answers in-between the representatives of these two macroethnic groups differ greatly.

98 % Turk respondents confirm the positive value of folk arts and crafts in modern terms and dust 0, 2 % of them confirm negative estimation. Representatives of Slavic macro-ethnic group have shown 64 % of positive answers and 35 % of them confirm negative estimation of folk arts and crafts in XXI century.

For Turk respondents the value of folk arts and crafts includes three main components: succession of folk traditions (47 %); patriotic influence (30 %); development of various capabilities of a man (15 %). Slavic respondents have shown another priorities: interesting entertainments (25, 4 %); development of various capabilities of man (22,6 %); succession of folk traditions (7 %).

Especially interesting is the analysis of the concept "development of various capabilities of man" in the aspect of value of folk arts and crafts. Turk respondents under this mean a help with self-expression (45, 3 %), solving problems through culture-creativity (10,4 %); exposure of leader qualities (7,1 %). For Slavic respondents this means self-expression (55 %); creativity (25, 4 %); solving problems through culture-creativity (10,4 %).

Turks and Slavs gave almost identical answers on two parameters – self-expression (45,3 %-55 %), problems solution through culture-creativity (10,4 %-10,4 %). The third place among the Turk respondents takes showing the

leader’s qualities (7,1 %) leaving creativity almost on the last place in this row (5,4 %). Slavic respondents put creativity on the second position (25, 4 %) while showing the leader’s qualities is not so significant (1, 6 %). The

tolerance means more for Turk respondents (6,8 %) than for Slavic ones (1,4 %).

As a result of this research we state the necessity of forming new relation towards folk arts and crafts through enriching it with new forms and sense. It requires the changing of elemental character of culture-creativity process on the whole and traditional creation in particular.

In this connection there is a necessity to develop and realize innovative projects of the non-material cultural legacy of people in all educational establishments of polyethnic regions. Pursuant to such project there is a necessity creation of culturecreativity laboratories, which unite theoretical humanitarian disciplines, courses, departments, practical art-creativity

collectives, studios, clubs, Houses of culture, centers. Exactly in such laboratories young people can study, probe the features of traditional culture of every nation, its valued systems, inculcating theoretical knowledge and practical skills on reproduction and translation of traditions in innovative space of XXI century. Folk arts and crafts take part in an association in crosscultural society, instrumental in rapprochement and mutual understanding between people, claim of principles of respect and tolerance, ability to understand beauty and to create. All of this allows to define folk culture-creativity as a mechanism of translation of traditions and social integration of different ethnic groups in cross-cultural regions.

The cultural transformations that occur in world are more and more reflecting the communicative trends. In modern world the true self-actualization of culture is not possible without being in a harmony with other cultures which is only possible in terms of dialogue when none of the ethnic groups, none of the religions can advance a claim for theonly possible and one-dimensional truth. Today the relationships between cultures can be build only on the principles of search for consensus, plurality and partnership.


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