Social determinants of the formation Ukrainian musical and dramatic groups last third of the XIX – beginning XX century


  • Irina Yan



Ukrainian theatrical culture, ethnic-social processes, sociosphera, music and drama theatre, social determinants of the formation, repertoire


The purpose of the article. The article considers the peculiarities of the formation Ukrainian musical and dramatic groups in the context of ethnic-social processes the last third of the XIX – beginning XX century. The activity of the musical-dramatic corpse is explored as an integral part of the sociosphere of Ukrainian culture. The methodology of the research is the use historical-cultural, comparative and art methods. This methodological approach allows us to explore the specific features of the formation of social composition, the reasons for the dispersion of Ukrainian musical and dramatic groups, and to analyze the genre-style palette of repertoire. The scientific novelty of the work is to analysis the social determinants of the formation Ukrainian musical and dramatic groups in the context the processes of the national-cultural revival. Conclusions. The activities of Ukrainian music and drama groups contributed to the preservation of historical memory, national resurgence and was an essential factor of ethnocultural identification

Author Biography

Irina Yan

Ph.D of Arts, Associate Professor, National Academy of anagerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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