Creative activity of ukranian artist Alexey Burley in the middle of the ХХ century


  • Valentyna Batalkina



Alexey Burley, museum-gallery, thematic canvases, artistic and graphic portraits, aesthetic education, artistic competence


Purpose of Article. To analyze scientific data and to study career and life of the Ukrainian painter Alexey Bur-ley, the honoured art worker of Tatarstan, the winner of Habdulla Tukay award in the middle of the XX century. The methodology of the study consists of the application of methods of personality theory, historical and biographical method and interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of artworks of A.Burley, an unrenowned Ukrainian artist of historical genre. These methods help to explore little-known facts of creative activity and life, find new approaches to estimation of artistic endeavour. Scientific Novelty. The artistic creativity of A. Burley calls for further study, despite thorough research based on official publications covering more than 70 years. The validity of this study for art history consists in the introduction of new valid facts regarding art creativity of Ukrainian artist A. Burley. Conclusions. The study makes it possible to introduce valid facts regarding artistic effort of Alexey Burley in fine art.

Author Biography

Valentyna Batalkina

Leader, author and founder of Zaporozhye Museum-gallery of  pplied ceramics and art creativity of Ilya and Alexey Burley


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