Ukrainian folk songs arrangaments in the repertoire of Dnipropetrovsk ensemble of bandura players "Charivnitsy"


  • Marina Berezutskaya



Ukrainian folk song, arrangements, the ensemble of bandura players


The purpose of the article is to analyse the regularities of the evolution of Ukrainian folk songs in the repertoire of the ensemble of bandura players "Charivnitsy" for 60 years of collective existence. The methodology of the research comprises methods of system historical, dialectical and musicological art analysis based on the principles of comprehensiveness and consistency. Scientific novelty of the research lies in the systematic analysis of the chronological sequence of changes in the performance of Ukrainian songs from traditional works to the modern ones in the repertoire of the ensemble bandurist "Charivnitsy". Conclusions. The analysis of Ukrainian songs in the repertoire of the bandura players ensemble "Charivnitsy" in the 60 years of its existence testifies to their constant renewal and replenishment, first of all by the arrangements of Ukrainian composers-classics and composers of the twentieth century, and in the last ten years – by the works of contemporary com-posers and performers. The gradual sophistication of arrangements is a characteristic feature of the process of evolution of the repertoire of Bandura ensemble, reflects the greater excellence of the performing arts group and the progressive development of ensemble form of bandura art. The modern stage of the development of the ensemble of bandura players "Charivnitsy" is characterised by the presence in the repertoire of both traditional and modern Ukrainian folk songs arrangements, which ensures the preservation of the national cultural heritage and the innovative interpretation of folk songs.

Author Biography

Marina Berezutskaya

Lecturer of the Folk Instruments Department M. Glinka Dnipropetrovsk Academy of Music


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