The concerts of the Academic Chamber Choir "Khreschatyk"as an artistic reflection of genre and stylis-tic synthesis process


  • Oksana Dondyk



Concerts of the Academic Chamber Choir "Khreschatyk", genre and stylistic synthesis, experimental aspects of modern concert practice, modern Ukrainian choral performance


The purpose of the article is to analyze the concert activity of the Academic Chamber Choir "Khreschatyk" as an artistic reflection of the genre and stylistic synthesis process. The methodology of the study foresees the use of universal scientific methods, in particular, structural and comparative analysis, synthesis, systematisation, generalisation, which using allows highlighting different aspects of investigated problem optimally, as well as to systematize methodically the results, which have been achieved, in relevant conclusions. The scientific novelty of the publication is in the investigation of the concerts’ parameters of the Academic Chamber Choir "Khreschatyk" through the prism of the genre and stylistic synthesis for the first time. Conclusions. Based on the research, there are reasons to confirm that the recital activity of the Academic Chamber Choir "Khreschatyk" is based on the constant experimental researches aimed at the invention of fundamentally new genre and stylistic measures of artistic reality, which are inherent to the primary vector of the development of modern chamber and choral art. This is confirmed by numerous performances, which are based on the principles of the genre and stylistic synthesis. In such performances, the choir becomes an active participant of the stage action both in the flat of individual action and in the context of creating fundamentally new genre phenomena, such as the choral performance that is entirely relevant to the actual needs of the native cultural space.

Author Biography

Oksana Dondyk

Honored Artist of Urkaine, Senior Lecturer of the Academic Choral and Instrumental Art Department of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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