The importance of keeping basic vocally-technical principles during folk song solo performance


  • Vanda Drinevskaya



Ukrainian song, folk song performance, vocally technical principles, singer’s competence


Purpose of the article is to consider the main vocal and technical principles that ensure a high level of competence of folk song performers. Methodology of the research is based on the interaction between pedagogical and artistic histories, where the latter is represented by the theoretical foundations of the study of folk-song creativity, as well as methods of analysis and structuring of methodological material. Scientific novelty concludes in singling out the basic vocal-technical principles (hygiene of the singer's voice, vibration of voice communication and control of it, formation of height and intensity of sound, breathing control, technique of singing in speech position, skill of singing low and high notes, transitional areas of the range, boundaries of ranges, generalization of the learnt material) and their conceptualization in the role of theoretical and methodological foundations of solo folk performance. Conclusions. Before then go the learning melodic, metrorhythmic and harmonic principles of Ukrainian folk song, to the analysis of technique specific of performance, including means of art expressiveness and folk performance methods, not mentioned about style peculiarities, it is necessary to pay attention to the basic principles without keeping which folk solo singing is impossible as the vocally-technical and art- aesthetic phenomenon. Analyzed principles are an important basis for a professional-technical component, which, along with contextual and content-semantic, provides a high level of competence for folk song performers.

Author Biography

Vanda Drinevskaya

Honored Artist of Ukraine, Lecturer of the Chair of Folk and Choral Arts and Folklore of the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts


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