Transformation as a method of reincarnation of an actor in a contemporary music-hall turn


  • Andrii Kasianenko



Transformation, reincarnation, burlesque, variety show, "mimic" mask, actor, vocational psychology, unique individuality, entertaining performance


Purpose of Research. The purposes of the research are to characterize the essence of the method of the trans-formation in the modern Ukrainian variety art and to analyze the phenomenon of art of the transformation as the method of the actor’s reincarnation actor in a burlesque turn. Methodology. The methodology of research includes the following methods: analysis, art critical, comparative and systematical methods of the transformation research in the contemporary variety art. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the research is the first attempt of the systematic analysis of the method of transformation, based on the multiannual creative experience of the author as a director and actor in burlesque shows in the contemporary Ukrainian variety art. Conclusions. The analysis of the scientific sources, dedicated to the research of the different aspects of the phenomenon of the transformation in the contemporary variety show, enables us to analyze systematically the method of the transformation and reveals deeper its specific peculiarities. Based on the multiannual professional activities of the author, it was determined that the art of the transformation in burlesque shows depends on the unique individuality of the actor, his talent for outer and inner reincarnation. It is highlighted and proved the role of the "mimic" mask as an essential component for the transformation in the contemporary burlesque performance. It is proved that the creative result is achieved due to the unique vocational psychology of the actor, his music skills, temper, emotionality and individual features of his character.

Author Biography

Andrii Kasianenko

lecturer of the Department of Directing of Variety and Mass Festivals, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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