Design and elements of entrance groups built into residential houses of service enterprises


  • Andriy Kulyk



Design, composition, entrance group, embedded enterprise


The purpose of the article is to characterize the features of the composition, the design solution and the main elements of the input groups of the service enterprises built into the dwellings. Methodology. To characterize the aspects of the composition and the design decision of the service enterprises, general scientific methods (in particular, the formation of classification) and structural-functional analysis with elements of the art criticism approach were used. The scientific novelty of the research is to develop recommendations on the features of the composition, the design solution and the main elements of the input groups built into the residential houses of enterprises. Conclusions. The list of essential parts of input groups, as well as their design decisions, can be supplemented or reduced over time by the needs of people. It is indicative, but most of the elements are necessary, therefore it is impossible to abandon them. After all, each item is used in the formation of the input group is not accidental, they all have a particular function, based on the needs of the built-in maintenance enterprise. Therefore, when designing an input group of an embedded enterprise, you need to understand what an element is for and what function it performs. The basic rules for ar-ranging input groups of integrated enterprises are determined by particular normative and design documents and are mandatory.

Author Biography

Andriy Kulyk

Senior Lecturer, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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