Composition in painting as a discipline of the system of art education in the historical context


  • Tamara Nedoshovko



Composition, painting, school, geometry, canon, history


The purpose of the article is to analyze the main stages of the development of the composition in painting, to determine the relationship between different art schools in the continuous process of artistic creation and to implement modern teaching methods in their achievements. The methodology of work is based on the application of such scientific methods as analytical, structural for the study of the concept of artistic education; historical-chronological in the definition of historical periods of the birth and development of the arts education system; and art criticism in the study of art schools and teaching methods of painting disciplines. Scientific novelty consists of a comprehensive understanding of the quality of the purposes of teaching the composition in painting and the latest searches and finds that should not contradict each other. Conclusions. The analysis made it possible to state: the comprehensive study of the classical heritage in the history of painting and composition, in particular, contributes to the training of skilled artists of all specializations in the system of higher art education and promotes its further development. The mathematical basis of works of art and the combination of constructively analytical teaching methods with the plot-like principle, as well as the study of composition theory, is essential.

Author Biography

Tamara Nedoshovko

Senior Lecturer of the Painting Department, Kyiv State Michael Boychuk Institute of Arts, Crafts, and Design


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