Amateur groups of folk-stage dance of Ternopil region the second half of ХХ – the beginning of the XXI century


  • Andrii Pidlypskyi



Folk-stage dance, amateur dance groups, dance ensemble, dance, choreography, Ternopil region


Purpose of Research is to analyze the main aspects of creation of amateur groups of folk stage dance of Ternopil region of the second half of the XX – beginning of the XXI century in the context of trends in the development of folk stage choreography. Methodology. The application of historical and chronological principles in the analysis and systematization of the facts allowed for an objective study. Scientific novelty. For the first time analyzed the state of folk-stage dance amateurism of Ternopil region of the second half of the XX – beginning of the XXI century in the historical retrospective in the context of general tendencies of the development of folk-stage choreography. Conclusions. 50-80s of the twentieth century became the period of mass creation of children's and adult amateur groups of folk-stage dance in Ternopil region, which was in line with national tendencies. The peculiarities of this period were: not the post-war rebirth, but the creation of a new system of "artistic amateur", which was connected with the accession of Ternopil region to the USSR on the eve of the war; absence until 1961 of a professional ensemble of folk-stage dance in the region as a creative guide. 90s of the twentieth century – the period of stagnation, the search for new forms and ways of development. Pooh XXI century – stabilization and active development of the groups created during the Soviet times; preservation of adult amateurism ("Chervona kalina" in Ternopil, "Prolisok" in the city of Pidvolochisk etc.); creation of new amateur groups of folk-stage dance. In the face of the threat of the leveling of the peculiarities of peoples, individual territories, which is a manifestation of globalization, the activity on preservation, reproduction, and interpretation of their own artistic artifacts, in particular intangible ones, includes folk choreography. Amateur groups of folk-stage dance play a significant role in the national-patriotic education, preservation and enhancement of the national artistic heritage.

Author Biography

Andrii Pidlypskyi

a teacher of the chair of folk choreography of the of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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