National and cultural renaissance of ethnic associations in independent Ukraine


  • Inesh Kdyrova заслужена артистка України, доцент, Ukraine



ethnic culture, national identity, the revival of national community, national unity,


The article examines the process of national-cultural revival of ethnicity communities in Ukraine at present and defines aspects of ethnic culture and national identity in the development of ethnic culture. The author specifies the concept of ethnic identity, determines the basic factors of association of ethnic groups on a way to development of national originality, analyses cultural and social activity of public organizations of national minorities which arose up and function in the regions of Ukraine.

Modern Ukrainian society is determined as multinational. In him comparatively noticeable and proof development was got by most ethnic cultures. Multinational structure of our society shows up in that different ethnic cultures exist not simply, but develop within the limits of various cultural practices, leaning on legislative support from the side of the state.

Gaining independence Ukrainian state has changed the social status of the Ukrainian nation and of all ethnic communities living in the country. Formed for the years of independence the political framework established a solid foundation for the harmonious combination of the interests of all ethnic the components of the Ukrainian society, equal opportunities for their active participation in the state building process, and to balance the needs of both the ethnic majority and ethnic minorities as [4]. A positive factor in the development of legal ethnic national scope is to create conditions and provide an opportunity for representatives of different nationalities revive, preserve their ethnic identity, language and culture, art, traditions, customs and ceremonies.

The harmonious existence of multinational states is known to be possible only in a society that has a high culture. Building a civilized state is always accompanied by a process of intensification of interethnic relations, which involved Ukrainian, having the status of the titular nation, and representatives of other cultures.

The representatives of all ethnic groups in Ukraine seeking to preserve their ethnic specificity: the native language, culture, art and spirituality.

In the system of ethnic culture consolidating factor is the art. Ethnic, national and universal are its essential basis, reflecting the history and character of the community of people and types of artistic identity [1]. Increased interest to the ethnic culture and the arts – basic realities of the modern period.

The basis of the scientific and ethnographic methods of collection and study of folk music led at one time of O. Alyab'ev, F. Kolessa, K. Flower, M. Maksimovic, N. Lysenko, S. Lyudkevych, J. Rosdolsky, A. Serov. Experience the music of folk art in a wide range of types and genres studied Gumeniuk A., S. Vasilenko, A. Ivanytskyi, V. Falcon.

Each ethnic group and nation in the creation of a global culture embodies its inherent artistic traditions and forms. General interest to them it caused by the innate characteristics and experience, mentality, aesthetic and artistic world view [3].

Art of inherent indispensable quality – bear a concrete expression of artistic genius, artistic aspirations of the people. It also must have the appropriate cultural and historical ground on which thanks to the creators of germinating grain new achievements and accomplishments. Experience the music of folk art in a wide range of types and genres that often go along with the types and genres of professional art, best confirms this view [5].

Music Art embodies the dynamics of human emotions, the ability of creative thinking on the emotional perception of reality to a broader philosophical generalization. In the writings of ethnic music to reveal the nature, there are feelings, attitudes of people and through them – the essence of social life of a particular historical period and ethnic groups.

The analysis of the modern state and basic progress of creative potential of national minorities, growth of their payment, trends in socio-political and spiritual life of Ukrainian society testifies that a national culture acquires new signs, enriched new artistic forms and offenses, that it can the process of interpenetration of ethnic cultures.

European choice, that Ukraine did – it at the same time and motion to the standards of the real democracy, based on principles of supremacy of right and freedoms of man and citizen, including representatives of national minorities. And that is why effective realization of positions of Program of activity of Government needs improvement of national legislation in the field of internationals relations and adaptation of him position to the internationals standards of ES. Basic aspects are marked for consolidation round the idea of strengthening of the Ukrainian democratic state of all citizens, in spite of their ethnic origin.

A process of cultural co-operation of national minorities is very important because through mutual cognition tolerant ethnical relations which are reliable foundation of national unity are formed.


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