The choreographic manifestations in the metamodern culture in the early XXI century


  • Liudmyla Khotsianovska



Metamodern, choreography, mediazation, interactive genres, network society


The purpose of the article is to represent a development of choreographic art in the context of the socalled metamodern era. We analyze the specific genres, motive forces and tendencies of the metamodern choreography in the context of the development of modern philosophy, culture, and society. Methodology. The methodology of research consists in application of art-criticism, comparative, historical and logical methods. The scientific novelty of research development of choreographic art in the context of the metamodern culture, and to bring the definition of its characteristic tendencies and genres considering the cultural and philosophical trends and foundations that determine them. Conclusions. The author concludes that we can observe a penetration of choreography and its combination with some life practices, in particular sports, physical culture and related types of activity. In the choreography of metamodern one of the most discernible features is its mediation, or mediazation, namely, when dance becomes a genre and artistic means of media culture.

Author Biography

Liudmyla Khotsianovska

Associate Professor, Department of the National and Classical Choreography, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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