
  • Sviatoslav Vovkun здобувач, Ukraine



Cyril and Methodius, Ukrainian progressive intellectuals, the abolition of serfdom, the proclamation of the republic, social life, education, political and cultural development,


The paper considers that Kulish was not the only member of Cyril and Methodius, but also influenced the development of the ideological foundations of its policy documents, was one of the ideologues of Cyril Methodians sought to direct the organization’s activities for more active work for the benefit not only of Ukraine but of all the Slavic world .

In a short period of Cyril and Methodius (January 1846p. – March 1847p.) The participants have been prepared and approved; "Charter of the Slavic Society of St. Cyril and Methodius", program "Genesis of the Ukrainian people", appeal "Ukrainian brothers!" and "Brothers Russians and Poles!". In addition, members of the Society had written many historical works, nonfiction and fiction, collected and published part number of folk songs, tales, legends, and ethnographic descriptions and more. Criticizing the monarchy and its feudal system, members of the Society made a number of ideas about replacing the new structure of society, which would find happiness Slavic peoples.

The research question of the relation of the Society to the most important problems of the past and contemporary life shows that their views were an important milestone in the development of democratic Ukrainian historical science.

Kulish considered by us as a member of Cyril and Methodius, the ideological foundations of program documents of a political organization carried her and taken literally as part meant a certain group or even a few people. In some cases, the views of two or three, and sometimes one of the members of the Association meet their common historical concept. Since Kulish considered by us as a member of Cyril and Methodius, ideological behinds program documents of political organization and carried on his outlook.

However, staying in the Society P.Kulish some researchers have questioned, but more careful study of this problem allows us to assert that Kulish was a full member of the aforementioned Ukrainian secret organization, for which he suffered government penalties. The documents show that Kulish was not only a member of the Society, and actively influence of time on the stance of its participants. In letters to M.Kostomarov, M.Hulaka, V.Byelozerskoho, O.Markovycha and other members of Cyril and Methodius, he drew attention to the need to reinforce their creative work to study the history of Ukraine, its culture, protection of native speech.

On his involvement with the Society Kulish in the autobiographical book "Kulysh Life" says: "Even when he was in Kiev when he held together how many friends; in this small community, we are first originated the idea-issuing of books required to self- ukrainian and building the common schools. The idea was tilted to some masters of this humanists and the lay the foundation of public education in Ukraine. Often wrote Kulish from the capital to Belozersky, then Kostomarova, then the other, keeping their spirits. And they are not the Cossacks were to be had from the prop. Sometimes they are accompanied and conducted extensive conversations about all Slavs.

Kulish during the investigation, and later with his inconsistency in one case claimed that he was "a member of the Brotherhood", and that the community was going to "buy up all the Slavic nations in free union under the protection of the Russian Emperor" another – his involvement in clandestine political organizations objected, citing the fact that Cyril Methodians reasons for Ukraine saving it to your "brotherhood not barkers.""

In our opinion, Kulish was not the only member of the Society, but also influenced the development of the ideological foundations of its policy documents, was one of the ideologues of Cyril Methodians sought to direct the activities of a more active benefit not only Ukraine, but also the entire Slavic world.


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