
  • Oksana Smetana старший викладач;, Ukraine
  • Olena Yemelianova магістрантка, Ukraine



Pop-jazz education, jazz vocal improvisation, creative self,


The peculiarities of the contemporary pop-jazz education in the context of the new poetics of perfomence which is singer-interpretator. Stresses the importance of teaching students vocalists in jazz improvisation format, which lays the foundation for creative self pop-singer.

This paper investigated the features of the national pop- jazz education in the vector of modern music and performing arts, stage defined needs and communicative principles of music of the twentieth century the system of professional training artist, creative self-defined specificity pop singer in the form of jazz improvisation.

Scientists and practicing teachers emphasize the need for improving the system of vocational training in schools of art profile by date. Ukrainian cultural future of society depends on whether the current local education community to develop student's youth need to realize their creative potential through purposeful formation of professional skills and involvement in a variety of forms of artistic and aesthetic activity, particularly in the form of vocal jazz improvisation.

Unfortunately, it must be noted that many scientific developments organizational methods of creative selfidentityis not clear systematic outline the requirements and criteria of the procedural approach to professional training of students, which is mastering the art of Jazz.

The article discusses the features of the modern pop- jazz education in the context of new performance poetics, is epitomized by singer-interpreter. Stresses the importance of teaching students vocalists in jazz improvisation format,which lays the foundation for creative self pop singer.

Scope of the article states that the Ukrainian cultural future of society depends on whether the current local education community to develop student's youth need to realize their creative potential.

The specificity of music- jazz crooner, analyzes the spiritual and creative potential of the substrate improvisationaljazz. Investigated the coexistence of highly performing variety of low-cost entertainment industry events, their place in modern musical art. Solved the issue of commercialization of pop art and its influence on the spiritual values of society. Despite the large amount of scientific publications on the issue of training of artists performing Jazz, there is a need for in-depth analysis of the spiritual creativity of jazz improvisation substrate, which in the art of communication increases the role of musicians, creating favorable conditions for its creative expression and self-realization. Given the specificity of jazz music making particular importance is the question of the coordination of academic musical education with new principles of performance.

The author focuses on the importance of popular vocal projects in the form of show business and the possibilities for self-realization and stage development as professional artists and amateur artists. Scientists say that creative self-xpression and self-realization – a conscious, purposeful process of optimizing internal resources of the individual(skills, knowledge, and skills) in artistic and aesthetic activities.

Imbalance rozvazhalnosti and artistry in pop art particularly affects younger generation that is too sensitive to the emotional charge genres of popular music, but outright festivity begins to take as a model of conduct and norms oflife. In this situation, the most vulnerable categories becomes creatively gifted students who, as aborted values, sometimes flippantly refers to the need for targeted acquisition of professional knowledge and skills. In concert and performingartists of the future is an illusion rely on their natural inclinations and diminish the role of traditional training. Sucha one-sided understanding of the nature of musical performance, unfortunately, leads to defective development of the creative potential of students of the specialization "music art pop".

Of particular significance researchers provide the fundamental principle of artistic and expressive of jazz – improvisation based on the original individual creative musicians interpreting popular tunes . First of improvisation – a process aimed at continuous search for new, creative expression and this affirmation musician, able to feel in established models unique sound of melodic and rhythmic palette. Jazz improvisation in essentially meaning is a product of creative activity. It allows the musician to express their individuality, to go beyond the standard and simple mechanical action.

Contemporary art world "compromise" Jazz musician on enterteynerstvo, scenic looseness, spontaneity and directcontact with the mass Audience.

The functional feature in the field of self-actualization vocalist becomes artistic and expressive system of jazz as it gives the artist a high possibility of self-expression through improvisation.

Investigated that indicators of mastery of the jazz improviser is talent and professional training. The role of empirical learning methods and techniques of jazz music. Analysis of various forms of jazz music education in Ukraine.


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