
  • Chao Yan



Penghao Theatre, Beijing private theatre, Wang Xiang


The purpose of the article is to outline the creative and organizational principles of the activity of Penghao Theatre, the first private theatre in Beijing. The methodology of the study comprises historical, comparative and biographical methods. The scientific novelty of the research is the fact that it is the first time in Ukraine, when the history of the emergence of small form theatres on Chinese stage has been highlighted, the activity of small drama theatres (peculiar features, fields of work, repertoire policy, economic basis) in China have been studied, as exemplified by Penghao Theatre. Conclusions. Historical reasons for the theatre emergence, economic and socio-political conditions of its foundation are highlighted. The primary fields of the theatre’s activity, its creative orientation, repertoire policy and the main difficulties faced by the private theatre in Beijing are described.

Author Biography

Chao Yan

Postgraduate Student, Theatre Studies, Kyiv National Theatre, Cinema and Television University named after I. K. Karpenko-Kary


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