
  • Viktorya Balabushka




European, national, social and cultural traditions, population, Chernihiv-Siversky region, trans-formation, values


The purpose of the article is to generalize theory and historical practice of transformation in social and cultural traditions of the Severians, starting from the original pagan to the European-Christian traditions in the state association Kievan Rus. Methodology. Research methodology is based on the heuristic method of modern and classical scientific historiography systematization, which reveals the historical process of social, legal and culturological outlook on the concept of "tradition" in general and the process of socio-cultural traditions’ socialization, which have formed the cultural reconstruction direction of the entire problem process. Scientific novelty consists of the systematization of theoretical studies of socio-cultural history, which includes a national identity and universal value of the population in Chernigiv-Siversky region. Conclusions. On the basis of the stated historiography the following is determined: theoretical understanding of the nation’s concept of "socio-cultural tradition"; the historical process of the accumulated Pan-European, national, spiritual and material values of the heredity in medieval heritage of Chernihiv-Siversky region, which consists of a synthesis of common European traditions of Romano-Byzantine-Ukrainian architectural heritage and spiritual traditions of Christian ethics and "the cult of local Saints"; continuity of Severians’ traditions in the original writing and their Ukrainian identity, establishment of territorial-demographic, national and domestic traditions of lifestyle and daily routine of the local population. The nation’s social and cultural traditions serve to the contemporary directions of comparative studies of interdependence and interpenetration of cultures and cultural innovations in the ethnic-futurism direction of cultural studies.

Author Biography

Viktorya Balabushka

PG student, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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