Educanto within the work of ukrainian futurist poet early twentieth century viewpoint culture (the ex-ample of works Myhail Semenko, Geo Shkurupii, Nick Bazhan)


  • Olga Vernyhorenko



Futurism, educanto, "Meeting at the station cross", futurist manifesto destruction


The purpose of the article. The arrogant problem language in the work of Ukrainian and Russian Futurist poets of the early twentieth century, through the lens of culture. The role of the arrogant language in the works of Mikhail Semenko, Geo Shkurupii and Nick Bazhana is determined. Methodology. Research methodology is to use psychological methods and comparative method of studying documentary sources. Of particular importance in the study gained biographical approach. In particular through curriculum vitae of each member futuristic literary groups, and performing analysis of their creative works, and has been studied subject. Scientific novelty article is to try to identify the characteristic features of the arrogant language, as some linguistic experiment in the history of Russian and Ukrainian literature as a cultural phenomenon. Conclusions. This article was determined that Russian "nonsense" was a theoretical foundation, while the Creator arrogant Ukrainian language on such issues is not working. The mentioned issue led to a brief and unsuccessful experiment in Ukrainian futuristic poetry, but at the same time – to preserve national linguistic traditions.

Author Biography

Olga Vernyhorenko

graduate student at the National Academy of Culture and Arts


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