The role of Light and Darkness in the Formation of Axiological Space of a Prayer


  • Maryna Chumachenko аспірантка кафедри культурології та медіа комунікацій Харківської державної академії культури, Ukraine



light and darkness, the christian spiritual tradition, prayer practices, symbols, cultural codes, sacred


The purpose of the work is cultural understanding of the axiological symbolic polyphony of light and darkness embodiments within the scope of prayer texts of the Christian spiritual tradition. The research methodology is the use of axiological, semiotic, hermeneutic, phenomenological and theological methods. The above methodological tools allow us to identify the role of light and darkness in the process of identity personalization by observing prayer practices; to emphasize the sense-forming and socio-coordinating power of light and darkness of axioconstructs and their impact on the ontological orientation of an individual, and to outline the main intersection and synthesis lines of religion and culture.. The scientific novelty of the work lies in distinguishing anthropological paradigm core in the process of spiritual development of an individual through prayer experience and the impact of axioreproduction of sense bearing and symbolic superstructures of light and darkness on it. The analysis of religious texts through the example of a prayer allows us to identify the role of light and darkness symbolism in development of Christian culture regulatory mechanism. Conclusions. Light and darkness in terms of numinous dimension of prayer texts serve as translators of cultural codes in the mechanism of sacred work of the Christian doctrine. In the acts of transcending they are axioregulators and axiocorrelators, having a direct impact on the process of individual personalization as one of the cultural universals. Symbolic, axiological and mythopoetic potency of light and darkness provide ethical coloring to prayer practices and therefore, to the metaphysics of transcending in general.

Author Biography

Maryna Chumachenko, аспірантка кафедри культурології та медіа комунікацій Харківської державної академії культури

аспирантка кафедры культурологии и медиа коммуникаций Харьковской государственной академии культуры


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