
  • Mykhailo Herashchenko



Mediation, conciliation procedures, alternative dispute resolution


Purpose of the research. To investigate the genesis and main trends of the development of mediation in the cross-cultural environment and possible ways of its introduction in Ukraine. Methodology. The methodological basis of the research is the application of the method of historical analysis in elucidating the evolution of the mediation development in different historical periods in the world and Ukraine. The scientific novelty consists in the theoretical substantiation of the introduction of mediation as an alternative procedure for resolving conflicts in the cross-cultural environment and the way of its implementation in Ukraine's activity. Conclusions. Mediation is a voluntary, particular, coercive, flexible and close mechanism for reducing the level of uncertainty and risks between the parties to the dispute and, if possible, resolving the conflict. Realizing the evolutionary path, mediation was formed as a way of overcoming contradictions, giving the parties the influence of the relationship and the opportunity to understand their own needs, not at the expense of the opponent, but giving the parties to the conflict the same chances for the realization of the personal interests and rights. Mediation works well in the modern conditions; it can be successfully applied in solving contradictions and conflicts in various spheres, including socio-cultural activity.

Author Biography

Mykhailo Herashchenko

Master’s Degree student, the National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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