The simulation of phonography as a temporal problem


  • Marianna Golubenko



Media, temporality, phonography, sound engineering, simulacrum, phenomenology


The purpose of the article is to substantiate the ontological status of phonography as a simulative activity and to identify relevant temporal markers. The methodology of the research is based on the application of cultural, comparative and historical-logical methods. Scientific novelty consists in the approval of phonography (even in its documentary form) as a simulative activity. In addition, the thesis is proposed: simulacrum, as an effect of "reversed temporality" (the copy is ahead of the original), is primarily a problem of hearing (as the most accurate time analyzer), and "poly-phonic" auditory perception is a direct way to provide a positive ontological status of simulated reality. Conclusions. The situation of "schizophony" (disconnection of the visual cause and auditory consequence) directly raised the question of the simulated "objective reality" of phonography. The temporality of phonography easily overturns the common eventuality (take at least cyclic reproduction, which in general came to the world for the first time with sound recording). The mentioned practice includes editing (as a nonlinear time fragmentation), so-called "doubletrack" – as a super-position of several timelines, and multi-microphone recording (like all-presence – the ability to observe simultaneously from different angles and plans).

Author Biography

Marianna Golubenko

Applicant, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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