Pedagogical activities of Maria Donets-Tesseyr (Archival Materials)




The pedagogical activity of M. Donets-Tesseyr, vocal art, Ukrainian opera art, archival materials


The purpose of the article is to highlight the pedagogical activity of the famous vocal teacher M. Donets-Tesseyr by an analysis of archival materials from the archival institutions of Ukraine. The methodology of the research consists in applying methods of source study, biographical, analytical-descriptive, retrospective, the technique of systematization. These methods make it possible to reveal the features of the pedagogical activity of M. Donets-Tesseyr. Scientific novelty consists in highlighting its educational activity by archival materials from a personal fund, which is stored in the Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine. The archival materials used are represented by M. Donets-Tesseyr manuscripts, which are first introduced into scientific use. These documents reveal her scientific and practical activities in the field of vocal art. Conclusions. M. Donets-Tesseyr created the own vocal school by the acquired practical experience, analysis and improvement of the pedagogical principles of the well-known teachers О. Mishuga and V. Vanzo, as well as the creative rethinking of the educational experience of modern vocal pedagogues. She disseminated her pedagogical achievements in the scientific community thanks to speeches at conferences, conducting open classes with students and compiling collections of exercises and methodological recommendations for the development of the voice, which are now rare editions.

Author Biography

Tamara Davlatova

Postgraduate student, Kyiv Boris Grinchenko’s University


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