Perception of compositional shaping within the design of periodicals


  • Yelyzaveta Dziuba



Design, composition, periodicals, visual perception, compositional and graphics model, visual style


Purpose of the article consists in revealing the features of the perception of the design of periodic buildings through the prism of compositional shaping. Methodology. In achieving this goal, the following research methods were used: descriptive, comparative methods, functional analysis, methods of systematization, the generalization of the investigated problem, concreteness, scientific works on design and modeling were used. Scientific Novelty the study is that the influence of the visual style of periodicals on the general perception of the reader is analyzed, the connection of the composite structure with the essential requirements to form formation during the creation of the publication is investigated. Conclusions. The reader must comprehensively perceive the periodical and not just the individual elements. In this critical role is assigned to the compositional edition of the publication. The composition itself can combine all the numbers of printed periodicals with common artistic and technical features, namely: the method of arrangement of structural elements on the sides, sections, and sections, their orderliness; ways of isolating the materials and the individual design. Aspects of composite shaping in design are formed each individually, which is associated with the architectonics of text material. The harmonious correlation of shaping objects forms the basis of the successful design of the periodical. The perception of such elements in their integrity affects the rating of the publication.

Author Biography

Yelyzaveta Dziuba

Master’s Degree student, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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