Gold embroidery and typology of tow stitches


  • Mariya Zalevska



Golden sewing, towels, embroidery, decorative and applied arts


The purpose of the article is to identify the features of gold thread in Ukrainian decorative art, to determine the approaches to the classification and characteristics of the main and finishing sutures in the process, the disclosure of the typology of towels. The methodology of the study involves applying to comparative and typological methods on the basis of interdisciplinary (cultural and artistic) approaches, to general scientific methods (analysis, historical-analytical, synthesis, comparative, analogy). The scientific novelty of the work is to identify the similarity and identity of towels and seams in embroidery with gold thread. Conclusions Embroidery with gold and silver threads and embroidery with towel seams reproduces and preserves the oldest traditions and motifs of sewing, enriched with new ideas of artistic and expressive methods and means, extends a significant influence on decorative and applied arts. The study of embroidery art suggests that it reflected the most complete and brightest artistic culture, aesthetic and spiritual thinking of the Ukrainian people.

Author Biography

Mariya Zalevska

postgraduate of National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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