Regional analysis of female performance in the Ukrainian ballet: 90s XX – early XXI century (part I: Kiev and Lviv)


  • Valentina Zakharova



Ukrainian ballet, female performance, regional representations, repertoire


The aim of the work is to analyze the female performance in the Ukrainian ballet from the time of declaration of independence until today (1991-2017), in particular in the cities of Kiev and Lviv. The methodology of the research is based on regional and person-like approaches, on the principles of continuity and unity of teaching and performance, as well as on historical and art criticism. Scientific novelty consists in the allocation of the main regional centers of female performance in the Ukrainian ballet and the creative features of its most famous representatives: Kiev (I. Zadayannaya, J. Gladkikh, T. Golyakova, N. Lazebnikov, T. Lezova, A. Shevchenko, K. Kuhar and others), Lviv (Y. Ermolenko, A. Yakimenko, A. Surmin, V. Tkach, H. Tkach, D. Emelyantseva, etc.). It is emphasized that in accordance with the principle of unity of learning and fulfillment within a particular art center, cooperation is observed between the choreographic school and the theater of opera and ballet. Conclusions. The fact that soloists and ballerinas, taking into account their repertoire, not only preserves the world and domestic classical features of ballet art, but also resorts to bold experiments, laying the foundations for their own artistic and technical and professional growth, thereby developing the best traditions of the school of female performance in Ukrainian ballet.

Author Biography

Valentina Zakharova

postgraduate of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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