The main stages of becoming an entertaining TV art in Ukraine


  • Annа Nabokova



Entertainment television, television programs, Ukraine, spectacle, history


The purpose of the article is to characterize the main stages and peculiarities of the establishment of enter-tainment television art in Ukraine. The methodology of the research is based on the interdisciplinary-inclusive combination of general scientific methods and research tools, integrated with art criticism and culturological approaches. Historical and chronological approach was used to characterize the main stages and historical and cultural background of the formation of entertainment television. Scientific novelty. The main stages of the formation and characteristic features of the television culture in Ukraine make it possible to comprehend the complex and contradictory process of the formation of the domestic entertainment television, to specify and the corresponding cultural and historical conditions in which they should be considered. Conclusions. The functioning of the Ukrainian television of the first years of state independence was marked by decisive monotony: the broadcast of endless folk concerts, songs and rituals, Soviet television series, limited to the demonstration of motion pictures, the representation of concert programs and theatrical performances. In the process of complicating and diversifying the forms of television programs, cultural evolution from information programs to the display of template films, television shows and TV shows, thematic discussion meetings, TV games in Ukraine, the progress of television as a special kind of art is gradually being improved. The current high-quality uncertainty of the Ukrainian television network is characteristic of its temporary crisis situation. Lacking ideologically oriented and relevant Ukrainian mentality of spectacular television programs. At the same time, the top-ending on-screen sight, in content and forms, is capable of becoming a powerful means of patriotic education and the instigation of national self-consciousness.

Author Biography

Annа Nabokova

radio editor and editor of the educational and cognitive rograms of the Main Editorial Board of the cultural and cognitive programs of the CO "Culture"


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