Prerequisites for the emergence of environmental museums in Ukraine.


  • Hanna Novikova



Environmental museum, Skansen, cultural reserve, modeling of the environment, Open-air museums


The purpose of the article is to explore the preconditions for the emergence of environmental museums in Ukraine. Methodology. The cultural approach with the use of methods of analysis and synthesis, historical and logical approach is applied. The first attempts at environmental museumification within open-air museums which have led to the emergence of environmental museums in Ukraine have been analyzed. Scientific Novelty. This paper is one of the first attempts in Ukrainian museology to comprehensively examine the prerequisites for the emergence of environmental museums on the territory of modern Ukraine. Conclusions. Open-air museums, created in the region of Ukraine during the Soviet period, acquired specific features of environmental museums, but the conditions of Soviet society made it impossible to develop full-fledged environmental museums during this period. The modern transformation of ensemble museums created at the time of the USSR to the environment allows us to consider these museums as the basis for the development of environmental museumification in Ukraine.

Author Biography

Hanna Novikova

Postgraduate student, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, harkiv


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