Peculiarities of the structure in the higher musical education of modern Germany


  • Alina Oliynyk



Musical education of Germany, education system, musical education, higher educational institution, structure of higher educational institutions


Purpose of the article. The research deals with the study of structural peculiarities of the higher musical education of the Federal Republic Germany nowadays. The methods of research are the use of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization. The given methodological approach enables to reveal and to analyze the types of the musical higher educational institutions, to systematize the principles of the qualitative training of professional musicians in the educational field of Germany. The scientific innovation includes the elaboration and systematization of information about the structure of the higher musical education in modern Germany and presentation of the own version of this structure. Conclusions. Having analyzed of the peculiarities of higher musical education structure in Germany, we have offered its own version: music and art schools (colleges), professional musical colleges (in Bavaria) high pedagogic schools with specialized music training, special institutes (including church music institutes), musical departments in universities, art university, musical department of professional academies, conservatories, musical academies. In the article it is described the specific features of future musicians’ professional training in art, pedagogic and scientific branches and it is determined the key qualifications (academic degrees) which may be obtained in German higher educational institutions on the levels of basic, complete and postgraduate music education.

Author Biography

Alina Oliynyk

post graduate of the National Vasyl Stefranyk Precarpathian University


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