The culturological analysis of the literary heritage of the Greek Catholic priests of Eastern Galicia (in the 20th of century, between 20’s and the first half of the 40’s).


  • Oksana Faryna



Literature, writer’s activity, culturological analysis, Greek Catholic clergy, Eastern Galicia


The purpose of the article is the cultural analysis of the art works of the Greek-Catholic clergy of Eastern Galicia in the 20th of century, between 20’s and the first half of the 40’s. The methodology of the research consists in using methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, as well as ideological substantial, hermeneutic, historical and cultural approaches. The scientific novelty of the study based in the fact that in Ukrainian cultural studies the writer's achievements of the Greek-Catholic clergy of Eastern Galicia in the 20th of century between 20’s and the first half of the 40’s were analyzed for the first time. Also, the study shows the value and place of art works in the cultural and creative space of Ukrainians. The article is an attempt to revive the forgotten (discriminated against by an invasive political regime) the names of the priests and the products of their literary achievement. Conclusion. It has been established that the characteristic feature of the creative work of the Greek Catholic clergy is in the national literary context, which manifested itself in the artistic interpretation of the historical past of Ukraine, biblical texts, and the life events of the Galician population. The priests published their works on the pages of the Galician press of that time: "Dzvony", "Dilo", "Meta", "Nova Zorya", etc. Also, the works were issued by independent collections (often at own expense of the clergy). It was found out, that the writers' activities of the clergy were positively perceived by the Ukrainian people. Also, at the same time the writers' activities of the clergy were negatively perceived by the authorities through the Ukrainian national ideas in the conditions of the statelessness of the Ukrainian Nation.

Author Biography

Oksana Faryna

PhD student of Kyiv National University Of Culture And Arts


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