Musealisation practice in virtual participatory systems


  • Andrey Fenenko



Virtual musealisation, museal, digital heritage


Purpose of the article. The research consists of highlighting the development of participatory practices within the second phase of the development of the World Wide Web (Web 2.0 concept) as part of the process of virtual musealisation. The methodology of the work is based on the culturological approach with the use of analysis, synthesis and historical methods. Scientific novelty of the work is to consider the participative practices (Web 2.0 concept) as a resource basis for an implementation of institutional and extra-institutional museum activities. Conclusion. Supplementing the information resources of the World Wide Web with services based on participative practices has created a new practical tool for implementing an integrated virtual musealisation. The further development of this tools aimed at eliminating some deficiencies in the system should be provided with the new information concept of the World Wide Web development.

Author Biography

Andrey Fenenko

Postgraduate student of Kharkiv State Academy of Culture


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