Little-known pages of performances by Larysa Rudenko (based on archival materials)




Performing the activity of Larysa Rudenko, vocal art, Ukrainian opera art, musical criticism, archival materials


The purpose of the article. The article covers little-known pages of the performance of the famous Ukrainian opera singer Larysa Arkhipivna Rudenko (1918 – 1981) on the basis of the archival materials of her Personal Fund, which are kept in the Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine. The methodology of the research is based on the application of such methods as source-study, biographical, analytical-descriptive, retrospective, systematization. The mentioned methods allow to reveal and analyze still unknown pages of the performance of L. Rudenko with the help of materials from archival institutions of Ukraine. The scientific novelty of the study comes from the use of archival materials presented by the periodicals of the late 30’s and early 80’s of the twentieth century, namely articles about the artist's creative activity and reviews of musical critics at her concerts. The above archival materials are first introduced into scientific circulation. The report reveals the peculiarities of the performance of L. Rudenko and his role in the development of Ukrainian vocal art in the second half of the twentieth century. Little-known pages of the biography and performances of the outstanding opera singer L. A. Rudenko, the pupil of the founder of the Ukrainian vocal school Elena Alexandrovna Muraveva are considered. The author analyzes individual achievements of the performer on the example of her work on operatic parties. The attention was paid to the peculiarities of L. Rudenko’s work on women’s images: the full sound of the singer’s voice was harmoniously combined with a detailed drawing of the role. Conclusions. The performance of L. Rudenko is present-ed in the coverage of professional music criticism and periodical press. The significant influence of L. Rudenko’s performance on the development of Ukrainian operatic art of the second half of the twentieth century has been proven.

Author Biography

Anastasiya Shilo

Postgraduate student, Kyiv University named after Boris Grinchenko


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