Language as a universal form of being culture


  • Maryna Lysyniuk



Language, culture, being, art, word


The purpose of the article to clarify the essence of speech as a form of culture. The methodology of the study assumes the use of a system-structural method based on ensuring the complexity and breadth of the scope of the research subject. The novelty of the study is the cultural understanding of language as a form of cultural existence. Conclusions. Language is a universal form of culture, fulfills the role of integrating mechanism of various cultural forms in a single integrated system. The substantive connection of the basic elements of language with the objective forms of human activity is revealed by the activity theory, and allows it to be a general form of expression of human culture, a historically determined way of human life activity.

Author Biography

Maryna Lysyniuk

graduate student, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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