On the Problem of Cultural Study of Virtual Reality


  • Viktoria Volynets




Internet, virtualization, virtual reality, information society, culture


The author studies the peculiarities of development of virtual reality phenomenon in modern socio-cultural environment and grounds the necessity of its further cultural study as a complex, multi-structured, dynamic and relatively new research object. Methods of the research. The author uses structural, functional and systematic research methods, which enables to consider the virtual reality as a complex phenomenon of modern socio-cultural environment of a new emerging culture influenced by the processes of globalization and IT development. The scientific novelty. The research proves the necessity of virtual reality study in the context of development of individual information culture, in particular computer ethics, information aesthetics, IT ergonomics, information security etc. Conclusions. Virtual reality becoming an integral part of human life can ensure the development of human culture, inside of which he or she develops as a personality. At the same time, it creates constantly changing virtual reality – the culture of virtual communication and behavior. The influence of virtual reality leads to the development of the symbiotic culture layer as well as to its expansion to all traditional culture elements and types. As far as a man spends more and more time under the conditions of virtual reality it is it’s specific character that causes the most changes in the system of cultural values. Priority values become those, which agree with the more and more sophisticated tastes and needs of a modern human being. Because of the domination of divergence tendency leading to weakening of socio-cultural contacts and system decentration, virtual reality becomes a mediator between a man and environment and often replaces him.

Author Biography

Viktoria Volynets

post-graduate student of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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