Кhachkars in symbolical field of armenian culture


  • Irina Hayuk




Armenians, axis mundi, cross, culture, khachkar, sun, symbol, swastika tradition, vishapakar, world tree


The purpose of the research. The study analyses some aspects of the development of sacral symbolism of khachkars. It describes the historical traditions, which have influenced the development of the symbolic field of khachkars and defines the basic types of symbols and historical transformations of their interpretation. It allows to conclude, that the formation of a sacral field of khachkars was a result of synthesis of Armenian pre-Christian and Christian traditions. The methodology of research includes methods of comparative analysis and synthesis, historicity and contextuality and also a method of iconological analysis. Scientific novelty of research consists in the accurate formulation of the thesis about binding and accumulating function of khachkars, who were the major link of preservation and transfer of sacred Tradition and its substantiation. Conclusions. Khachkars are thoughtful evident demonstration of fundamental laws of a Universe and sacral embodiment of the idea of immortality through passage through The Nether (death) and rebirth to "the life eternal". Their main task was to direct through symbols to the supernatural, to the Higher Being, because the nature of symbols influences people who do not have an idea about their true sacral meaning. The natural assumption is that this complicated high art of creation of khachkars was purposefully developed and transferred by the masters, who knew the Tradition and who wished to keep and transfer it to the following generations, which that most likely happened in the professional (craft) unions.

Author Biography

Irina Hayuk

PhD, Associate Professor of the department of the art’s management of Lviv National Academy
of Arts


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