Musically-carrying out art as object of research of ukrainian study of artsummary


  • Tetiana Hlushchuk



Musical performance, music performing art, music culture, art


The purpose of the article. The research discovers new dimensions in understanding of music performing art, which is regarded as a phenomenon of culture and encourages scientific attention that focuses on defining its features in the artistic and creative practice of a perfoming musician. Research methodology comprises systematic and analytical methods, which allow to comprehensively revise music and performing arts from the point of view of modern scientific thought of Ukrainian Art History in a wide range of specific literature. Scientific novelty lies in rethinking of the contemporary music performing art, which is regarded not only as a systemic phenomenon, operating as a conjunction of music performing education, music creativity and musical concert practice, i.e. the interaction of such elements as ‘performing musician’, ‘piece of music’, ‘music performing school’, ‘music performing activities’, ‘music performing work’, ‘music concert practice’, but as a system of relations resulting from the perception of music, music creation, reproduction, analysis and assessment of music, which is a phenomenon of the spiritual life of society determining its socio-cultural space. Conclusions. Music performing art is a multi-componential research object, which involves various principles of analysis. It can be understood in terms of music theory with the laws of the organic transition of music from textual condition to its sound form and peculiarities of the material implementation of a piece of music into real sound, as well as an independent phenomenon with a history of its own and its prominent representatives and socio- cultural characteristics of artistic and creative identification. In other words, music performing art is an object of study at the same time for both theory and history of music performance and theory and culture history, and even more, as a multifaceted phenomenon, it can be an object of study of a number of sciences, such as philosophy, sociology, psychology and aesthetics.

Author Biography

Tetiana Hlushchuk

Ph. D., associate Professor of instrumental performance skills Institute of arts Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University


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