Іnternet communication as a trend of everyday social practices





communication, internet practices, social communications, everyday life, virtuality


The purpose of the work is to study online communication as one of the common and main directions of everyday social practices of individuals. The methodology of the study is to apply the general principle of scientific objectivity, cultural, structural-semantic and analytical methods in the study of Internet communication as a form of modern social practices caused by the development of information technologies and means of communication and connection. The work is based on the theoretical foundations of the study of the concept of social practices and structures of everyday life. The scientific novelty of this work is to identify the Internet communication as a key social practice of everyday life in the information society. Conclusions. It has been established that communication practices are a kind of social practices and represent a common social action, based on the collective experience and targeted at supporting and development of communication. In modern society, the Internet is becoming one of the key technologies, so the communicative practices in cyberspace is increasingly complementing the reality, allowing a person to meet the needs for information, communication, self-presentation in social networks and creative activity.

Author Biography

Zhanna Denysyuk

Ph.D. in Culturjlogy, Head of of the research and publishing department of the National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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