Development of family morality in the legal culture of Ukraine


  • Sergij Zhovnerchuk



culture, folklaw, legal culture, family, family morality, moral values, family responsibilities


The purpose of the research is to study the development of family morality in its organic connection with the phenomenon of legal culture in Ukraine from the time of dominance of folklaw to modern family law. The research methodology is the use of analytical and historical-chronological methods for revealing the historical regularities of the dynamics of legal culture in Ukraine. The comparative method is applied for the detection and comparison of family morality in the context of the essential characteristics of the family law institute in different historical periods. Scientific novelty lies in the complex analysis of theoretical interpretations of historical developments of the concept of family morals as  an indissoluble unity of the evolutionary process of formation of legal culture, as indicated by the growing interest in family morality problem in the legal culture of Ukraine. Conclusion of the work. The study confirms that social needs and values are reflected in the rules of traditional moral and legal culture not only in the framework of specific particularistic situations, but also in the general context of the national cultural and historical experience. People's morality consistently focuses on conscientious attitude to family and marital rights and duties, as well as on care about the development of this sphere of public life on the basis of mutual love, respect, friendship and mutual assistance.

Author Biography

Sergij Zhovnerchuk

Associate professor of National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Honored worker of art of Ukraine cell phone


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