About the several levels of the "reading" of musical text in the last sonatas by F. Poulenc.


  • Daria Mendelenko




F. Poulenc, sonata, music text, citation, multiple-level system, openness


The purpose of the study is to consider different approaches to the interpretation of the author's conception of the Sonata for Clarinet and Sonata for Oboe and Piano by F. Poulenc and to identify the main semantic components of the musical text. Through the example of analyzed Sonatas, the research shows the implementation of ideas of openness and multiple-level system of an artistic text in the work of Poulenc and draws a parallel with a similar phenomenon in the literature of the twentieth century. Methodology. The specifics of the tasks determines the choice of the methods of the research. It is based on an integrated approach that has combined the cultural and historical, problem and contextual research methods. The study of the origins of the musical material of the Sonatas and principles of the work with borrowed thematic invention required the use of the method of intonation analysis. In the process of identification of common principles with the contemporary literature, the analogy method is used. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that for the first time the chamber sonatas by F. Poulenc are studied through the use of a contextual approach allowing to reveal the hidden meanings of the author's text. The author makes an assumption about the existence in two Sonatas of the implicit meaningful layer associated with the use of the thematic material of previously created works. These observations extend and deepen the idea of the style and music thinking of F. Poulenc, as well as allow to put the composer's work into the modern context. Conclusions. Poulenc incarnated in his work the modern idea of openness and multiple-level system of a literary text. Certainly, any work of art (especially of music art) is "open" to any extent and allows different interpretations, but in case of the last opus by F. Poulenc we are talking about a special "poetic approach", when multiple meaning is already incorporated into a structure of the text.

Author Biography

Daria Mendelenko

post-graduate student, Chair of the history of world music, Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine.


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